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Product Designer, UX Researcher


This project is in collaboration with Scotia Bank to create a product that will help Canadians be better off. The team identified that many millennials are living from paycheck-to-paycheck because companies use strong marketing strategies that persuade customers and skew the true value when customers pay for products or services. A good example of this is the development from cash to credit card and now to digital payment.


Companies are pushing toward making purchases easier while decoupling the cost associated with the purchases. While marketing strategies are targeting consumer’s wallet, consumers have nothing to defend against the persuasive strategies. To provide consumers with a defence strategy, AutoSave was created to recouple the cost of purchases and to provide saving strategies against marketing strategies.

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AutoSave is a digital service that uses AI and AR to help users combat corporate influences on their spending. The service can be accessed on a mobile phone with optional assistive functions available when paired with AR glasses. AutoSave fight back against cost decoupling by reminding users of the true cost of purchases and provided additional options to reduce spending. In addition, AutoSave also provides services to manage financial goals and provided incentives for maintaining good financial habits.

The Design

The team started by researching studies relating to consumerism and spending trends. In addition, the team interviewed financial advisors and modern consumers to understand the current financial ecosystem and how consumers are affected by the ecosystem. After identifying the underlying cause, the team used affinity diagrams, empathy map and user persona to understand the user’s mindset, needs, wants and pain points.

Affinity Diagram
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User Persona
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With a good understanding, we looked back on our affinity diagram to plan a solution. When creating the solution, we keep the user in mind and used tools such as value proposition, P.E.S.T. analysis and porter’s Five Forces to create a valuable product that is sustainable within current ecosystems. In addition to ensuring the solution is sustainable, onboarding plans were created to introduce the solution to the market.

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With the business plan in place, we continued to develop the solution with wireframes, journey maps, and user testing to create a solution that is comfortable in consumer’s hands. Through these processes, the team created a solution that considers numerous perspectives and stakeholders while making the final product look simple and easy to use.

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