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Develop impactful, innovative and intuative solutions.

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Personality Type:

Turbulant Logician (INTP-T)




I'm a Product/UX designer with a graphic design and marketing background. I'm a forward-thinking digital explorer dedicated to leveraging creative innovations to creating lasting impact. My expertise lies in crafting distinctive and user-centric digital solutions that address complex problems with intuitive design. 

Why UX?

When deciding on my university program, I was unsure of my direction. With interests spanning computer science, design, and business, I opted for a program that encompassed all three: Global Business & Digital Arts. By the end of the program, I discovered a career path that incorporated my interests. UX Design gives me the thrill of solving a puzzle, memories of crafting an impactful solution and the freedom to explore a variety of perspectives. 


Thanks for checking out my portfolio. I hope we can have a chat sometime.

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